First of all lets state what this integration is going to achieve.
* As a user I can register to the site through entering my details so I can access all that great functionality
* As a user I can login to the site through my entered username and password
* As a user I can register to the site through Facebook Connect so I don’t have to fill in that form
* As a user I can login to the site through Facebook Connect so I don’t have to remember two passwords
* As a user I can connect my existing site user with my Facebook Connect user so I can later login through Facebook Connect
We also have some constraints we need to consider
* As a user if I register a user through entering my details and later login through Facebook Connect I want to make sure I retain my old user account
So read on and i’ll have you Connected in 15 minutes.
We will first create a standard restful_authentication Rails application. I’m going to user mysql for this example
rails -d mysql connect_tutorial
Install restful authentication
git clone git:// restful_authentication
cd ../..
./script/generate authenticated user sessions
Create our database
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
Move include AuthenticatedSystem from the Sessions Controller to the Application Controller
Start the server and browse to http://localhost:3000/signup. Bingo, Restful Authentication in 3 minutes. Don’t create any users yet we need to make to add some fields to connect up our accounts
script/generate migration add_users_fb
def self.up
add_column :users, :fb_user_id, :integer
add_column :users, :email_hash, :string
#if mysql
execute("alter table users modify fb_user_id bigint")
def self.down
remove_column :users, :fb_user_id
remove_column :users, :email_hash
rake db:migrate
We need two extra columns for our users. One to store the facebook user id in fb_user_id and another to store a special hash of our users email address which we can use to later match new Facebook users to existing accounts to take care of our constraint.
For the facebook connect we are going to use the facebooker plugin. This will handle the API level communication for us.
script/plugin install git://
script/generate xd_receiver
The last line creates a cross-domain receiver file for Facebook Connect to callback on.
You are now going to have to create a Facebook Application on Facebook to get your API key and secret. Head over to
(Enter your own application name)
Take a note of the api_key, secret and callback url and add these to config/facebooker.yml
api_key: {YOUR_KEY}
secret_key: {YOUR_SECRET}
callback_url: http://localhost:3000/
pretty_errors: true
set_asset_host_to_callback_url: true
public_port: 4007
local_port: 3000
We need to initialise the Facebook Connect on every page. Basically this consists of 3 things. Adding a namespace decleration for FBML, adding the Facebook Connect Javascript and initialising the Javascript. Luckily rfacebooker can do this for us, so we create a generic layout index.html.erb
<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults%>
<%= fb_connect_javascript_tag %>
<%= init_fb_connect "XFBML"%>
And add the following to ApplicationController
layout 'index'
before_filter :set_facebook_session
helper_method :facebook_session
You are now ready to roll with some Facebook Connect tags. Add the following to the bottom of sessions/new.html.erb
or login with Facebook connect
<%= fb_login_button('window.location = "/users/link_user_accounts";')%>
And the following to users/new.html.erb
or register with Facebook connect
<%= fb_login_button('window.location = "/users/link_user_accounts";')%>
We also add another registration field for name
<%= label_tag 'name' %>
<%= f.text_field :name %>
These are going to create FBML tags which the Facebook connect Javascript will render as our Connect buttons
Start the server and go to http://localhost:3000/login. You should get this, if you don’t retrace your steps you have done something wrong.
Now it’s time to integrate. We need to do 3 main things
1. When you are logged in through a Facebook session then login through restful authentication
2. Link accounts between Facebook and Restful Authentication
3. Create accounts when someone login or register with facebook.
We need to add to lib/authenticated_system.rb. Change the current_user method to
def current_user
@current_user ||= (login_from_session || login_from_basic_auth || login_from_cookie || login_from_fb) unless @current_user == false
And add
def login_from_fb
if facebook_session
self.current_user = User.find_by_fb_user(facebook_session.user)
This will handle the seamless login for us. Now we need to add to our User model.
#find the user in the database, first by the facebook user id and if that fails through the email hash
def self.find_by_fb_user(fb_user)
User.find_by_fb_user_id(fb_user.uid) || User.find_by_email_hash(fb_user.email_hashes)
#Take the data returned from facebook and create a new user from it.
#We don't get the email from Facebook and because a facebooker can only login through Connect we just generate a unique login name for them.
#If you were using username to display to people you might want to get them to select one after registering through Facebook Connect
def self.create_from_fb_connect(fb_user)
new_facebooker = =>, :login => "facebooker_#{fb_user.uid}", :password => "", :email => "")
new_facebooker.fb_user_id = fb_user.uid.to_i
#We need to save without validations
#We are going to connect this user object with a facebook id. But only ever one account.
def link_fb_connect(fb_user_id)
unless fb_user_id.nil?
#check for existing account
existing_fb_user = User.find_by_fb_user_id(fb_user_id)
#unlink the existing account
unless existing_fb_user.nil?
existing_fb_user.fb_user_id = nil
#link the new one
self.fb_user_id = fb_user_id
#The Facebook registers user method is going to send the users email hash and our account id to Facebook
#We need this so Facebook can find friends on our local application even if they have not connect through connect
#We hen use the email hash in the database to later identify a user from Facebook with a local user
def register_user_to_fb
users = {:email => email, :account_id => id}
self.email_hash = Facebooker::User.hash_email(email)
def facebook_user?
return !fb_user_id.nil? && fb_user_id > 0
This allows authentication to look up users either from their stored Facebook ID, or a hash of their email address. It also adds methods for our createing and linking. After any user is created we need to register them we Facebook Connect so add to the User model
after_create :register_user_to_fb
In the previous views Facebook Connect login button we added an after login javascript callback. This is to link our accounts after a user has gone through the callback process. We need to add this to the user controller
def link_user_accounts
if self.current_user.nil?
#register with fb
#connect accounts
self.current_user.link_fb_connect( unless self.current_user.fb_user_id ==
redirect_to '/'
Don’t forget to add a route for this.
map.resources :users, :collection => {:link_user_accounts => :get}
Finally we need to have someone to go after login. Let’s create a home page under Users controller users/home.html.erb
<% if logged_in? %>
You are logged in as <%= %>
<% if current_user.facebook_user? %>
<% else %>
why don't you connect with your facebook account
<%= fb_login_button('window.location = "/users/link_user_accounts";')%>
<%= link_to 'Logout', logout_path%>
<% end %>
<% else %>
You are not logged in!
<%= link_to 'Signup', signup_path%> or <%= link_to 'Login', login_path%>
<% end %>
And map it to root and delete public/index.html
map.root :controller => "users", :action => "home"
And its done. Stop the clock. Start the server and go to http://localhost:3000/login and press the big connect button
Login with your facebook account. Restful Authentication with Facebook Connect. Done!
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